Support in preparing for working life.
Get that extra support in preparing for working life with the School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) service. Through this service, we can assist you to gain the necessary skills and experience to realise your career goals.
What is School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) ?
A dedicated program of support resources that are used to assist in the transition from school to employment.
Custom made for our participants unique wants & needs.
The Search
Resume development
Job searching skill
The Application
Work Experience
Interview techniques
Personal hygiene & personal presentation
The Planning
Travel training
Self-motivation & determination
The Workplace
Understanding workplace rights & responsibilities
Workplace conduct, behaviours & expectations
The Lifestyle
Money management
Life skills
Work skills & development
For Career Advisors
Why Us?
We are a registered NDIS provider committed in supporting & empowering people to live their best life through gaining more skills and support. With extensive skills in a variety of areas including our strong community networks, our industry knowledge that allows us to be able to offer a one-stop-service to our participants.
We know
Hundreds of Employees in our network
We know
Already assisted in the employment of thousands of clients across our group
We want to get to
know you
Ensure you get the right job (and not just any job)
Getting a job is not just about earning money
Studies have shown that fulfilling employment leads to a greater sense of purpose and motivation … basically, the right job can improve your mental health.
Introducing the School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) Service provided by Connex Life. Gain new skills that will give you the confidence and independence to achieve your career goals.
We aim to empower you to take charge of your future. Therefore, participants get to decide on planning goals and the strategies used to get them there. However, we also understand that each person’s needs can evolve, so our service is flexible as a result.
Our School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) service includes:
The opportunity to set, adjust and achieve employment goals
The opportunity to meet and connect with other like-minded people
Work experience opportunities in multiple industries
The chance to gain nationally recognised certificates in different industries
Learning to catch public transport
Developing work and everyday life skills