Finding and Keeping a Job NDIS

Supported Employment

Finding and Keeping a Job NDIS

Are you looking for a job?

Over 22 years? A mature worker?

Looking to refresh skills with training? Opportunities for work experience?

Our job service is here to help you!

Assist you find & maintain employment.

With our job service, get that extra support to you need secure & maintain a job and build & refresh your skills. We scale our support based on your needs & requirements – offering you tailored support!

Looking for work & unsure where to start?

Our job service includes:

  • Our job service is here to help you. We want to support you in learning new skills and becoming job ready. We are a registered NDIS provider and have a team of experienced professionals who have helped many people with disabilities find employment and build their capacity.

  • We can offer scale our assistance whether you prefer working independently or need some support on the job. Our services can help you find and maintain employment by connecting you with various businesses in Australia. This includes opportunities for work experience and subsequent employment.

  • We can assist you with work activities preparation. We can help refresh your training in literacy and numeracy, also provide support for any other mandatory qualifications you may need.

Finding and Keeping a Job NDIS
Supported Employment NDIS
Supported Employment NDIS

Finding and Keeping a Job.  What is it?

Finding and Keeping a Job (FAKAJ) is a plan with specific funding open to eligible NDIS participants. It is given to individuals who are interested in entering the workforce and keeping a job.

What does it involve?

After your NDIS funding is approved, you have the choice to select a provider who can help you with your capacity building and job seeking activities.

We are here to help you with accessing various job-seeking activities, such as:

  • Access to vocational activities.

  • Assistance in finding work experience opportunities.

  • On the job training and support.

  • Key skills development, such as: Time Management, Traveling, Money Handling, Interview & Resume preparation, 1:1 Training or Group activities.

Our support staff is here to help you feel comfortable and supported at work. We can work with you on-site based, depending on your funding and employment goals.

We know

Hundreds of Employees in our network

We care &

We scale our support to reflect needs & help foster opportunities

We get to
know you

Ensure you get the right job & build capacity

Participant Spotlight: Evan

Here’s a bit about Evan – his goals, support type and activities.

Evan is currently under the FAKAJ Support and here at Connex Life we have secured a job for Evan, which will commence in the new year.

Meanwhile, we are continuing to work with Evan on building his social skills, community access and goals.

  • Safety Awareness Activities – we are working with Evan on safely crossing roads & environmental awareness.
  • Travel training to new places and trying new things – we arranged a social excursion to the Sydney Eye Tower plus additional VR training.
  • Virtual Reality Training – Evan did VR height training to work on managing his fear of heights.
  • Evan’s goal is to transfer into Employment (which he has achieved).
  • Another goal we are working with Evan is reading social cues. Plus, being able to safely access the community and with confidence.
Supported Employment FAKAJ Sydney
Supported Employment FAKAJ Sydney